Hip Hop

Hip Hop is a popular and high energy freestyle dance, loved by youngster alike. It has revolved tremendously in the years creating many different new styles and moves. Dancers generally dance to various music like the hottest R&B, Pop and Hip Hop while incorporating hip hop dance techniques such isolations, waves, body rolls and high-impact moves.

There are many styles in Hip Hop such as locking, popping and breaking. Hip Hop allow dancers to move according to the pace and feel of a piece of music.

Suitable for boys and girls age 11 and above.


Understanding the Dance Genre: Hip Hop

Hip-hop dance is a vibrant and dynamic form of artistic expression that has made its mark in the world of  dance. Rooted in the hip-hop culture of urban communities, this genre encompasses a wide range of styles,  each with its unique flavour and characteristics. 

Breakdancing or B-boying/B-girling: This style is all about acrobatic movements, intricate footwork, and  impressive freezes. Breakdancers often perform breathtaking spins, flips, and power moves on the floor. It’s  a physically demanding style that demands strength, agility, and a deep understanding of rhythm. 

Popping: Popping is known for its robotic and jerky movements. Dancers contract and relax their muscles in  time with the music, creating a “pop” effect. This style requires incredible control and precision. 

Locking: Locking is characterised by exaggerated and distinct movements, often involving quick stops and  freezes. Dancers “lock” into positions with abrupt and sharp motions. It’s a style that encourages playful and  expressive performances. 

Krumping: Krumping is an energetic and aggressive style, known for its high-energy and intense  movements. Dancers engage in freestyle battles, where they express their emotions and energy through  rapid and powerful motions. 

Hip-Hop Freestyle: Freestyle is a cornerstone of hip-hop culture, allowing dancers to improvise and express  themselves spontaneously. It’s all about individuality, creativity, and connecting with the music in the  moment. 

House Dance: House dance emerged from the dance floors of underground clubs. It’s characterised by fast  footwork and fluid movements. Dancers often groove to the beats of house music, creating a sense of  freedom and unity on the dance floor. 

Waacking: Waacking is a style that involves quick arm movements, accentuating angles, and striking poses  to the beat. It’s both visually captivating and technically demanding. 

Tutting: Tutting is inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphics and involves intricate hand and arm movements that  create geometric shapes and patterns. Dancers often mimic the angles and precision seen in Egyptian art. 

Bone Breaking: Bone breaking is an extreme style that involves contorting and manipulating the body in  unusual ways, giving the impression that bones are breaking. It’s a visually striking and sometimes surreal  form of hip-hop dance. 

Jerkin’: Jerkin’ is a style characterised by energetic footwork, bouncing movements, and a carefree attitude.  It’s often accompanied by music with a quick tempo and lyrics that encourage fun and freedom. 

Memphis Jookin’: Originating from Memphis, Tennessee, Memphis Jookin’ combines intricate footwork with  smooth, gliding movements. Dancers often wear street shoes to create unique sounds as they slide and  pivot. 

Hip-hop dance has transcended its urban origins and has become a global phenomenon. Its diverse styles  reflect the creativity, individuality, and the ever-evolving nature of this art form. It’s a celebration of music, movement, and the vibrant culture from which it emerged. Hip-hop dance allows individuals to express  themselves, tell stories, and connect with others through the universal language of dance. It continues to  inspire and evolve, leaving an indelible mark on the world of performing arts. Whether in a street cypher or  on a professional stage, hip-hop dance is a powerful and captivating form of artistic expression.

Finding the right hip hop class

Checklist for Selecting a Hip Hop Dance Class

Before you commit to a dance class in Singapore, ensure you look at the instructor’s experience, class sizes, and schedules. Equally important are the dance studio’s location, the variety of dance styles offered, and customer reviews.

Class sizes and Schedules

A small class size implies a richer learning experience as students receive personalised attention from dance instructors. Schedules must be reviewed to see if they align with your time. Both these factors can significantly influence your dance journey.

Learn About The Instructors

A good instructor plays a massive role in a dancer’s development. They do not only teach dance moves; they also inspire and motivate students to strive for greatness. Therefore, the list of dance studios you’re considering should include those with experienced and dedicated instructors.

Getting Started

Introductory Dance Classes in Hip Hop

Hip hop is a great way to start your dance journey. Most studios in Singapore provide entry-level classes for beginners, teaching the basics of this dance style.

Preparation Tips for Beginner Hip Hop Class

Before you start classes, ensure you have the right attire, including comfortable clothing and appropriate dance shoes. Do educate yourself about hip hop by watching performances and videos – it helps.

Benefits of Dance Classes for Beginners

Starting with beginner level classes offers many advantages. From improving fitness, developing rhythm, to boosting self-confidence and fostering a community spirit, the benefits are multifaceted.

Enrol Today

Wanna start moving to the beat? Reach out to our team today, we’re here to assist you with enrolling for our Hip Hop dance classes.